Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education Certified

What is Holistic Nurse Coaching?

A Holistic Nurse coach incorporates coaching skills, integrates a holistic perspective, promotes awareness that effective change first evolves from within, works with the whole person to utilize principles and modalities that integrate body-mind-emotion- spirit - environment while facilitating a skilled purposeful results-oriented interaction that promotes the achievement of the client’s goals.  ​A Holistic Nurse coach works with all clients from all walks of life, in varying environments and specialties.

Holistic Nurse Coaching is a complementary integrative modality that can be used in practice to bring comfort to and ease the suffering of clients and encourage and support clients in taking responsibility for their own health and well-being. The holistic nurse coach does not try to fix the client; instead, the client’s strengths are emphasized and the client is guided in a way that is both motivating and empowering.​​

Contact to Book Your Coaching Experience

Intuition,  synchronicity,  shifting, and profound 'ah ha' moments ...

Is there an area in your life that needs support? Time to build resilience, work toward balance and develop sustainable self-care.We are more than just our physical bodies. The relationship between our emotions, mind, spirit, other people, and our environment plays an important roles in how we function. 

Kate will work to support your journey by listening deeply, working with you to co-create practices specific to your  intention.

 You are an active participant in designing your coaching program, fully supported to look clearly at your capabilities and potentials, honoring how you look at the world and your experience in it. 

You hold amazing skills already. These skills are embraced and included as you move through the coaching process.